نا موجود
موجود شد به من اطلاع بدهنا موجود
موجود شد به من اطلاع بدهFeatures:
Asolid foundation for your beginning pianist
61organ-style keys teach students technique, dynamics, and note locations
Expanded48-note polyphony minimizes dropped notes
Richgrand piano sound with bass-enhanced stereo speakers makes practice timeenjoyable
758onboard voices to inspire creativity in the practice room or recording studio
One-touchPortable Grand mode bypasses advanced features and enables the main grand pianovoice
Pitchwheel and 2 control knobs let you customize your performances
150arpeggio patterns help create complex arrangements
220intelligent accompaniment styles help you flesh out songs
6-trackrecorder lets you capture up to 10 musical ideas
Onboardreverbs, choruses, stereo enhancement, and master EQ for instant inspiration
26-typeharmonization lets you work out harmonies without being a theory expert
3.5mmaux in lets you play along with your phone or music player
USBto Host and USB to Device modes let you interface with computers and tablets
Includesthe Yamaha Education Suite (Y.E.S.) and detachable music rest
Powersupply not included - sold separately
تعداد کلاویه | 61 |
نوع کلاویه | سبک |
صفحه نمایش | LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) |
پلی فونی | 48 |
نوع افکت | Master EQ-Reverb-Chorus |
پورت خروجی USB | host usb |
تعداد ریتم | 220 Style Fingering Multi finger Style Control ACMP ON/OFF, SYNC START, SYNC STOP, START/STOP, INTRO/ENDING/rit., MAIN/AUTO FILL, TRACK ON/OFF File Format Style File Format (SFF) |
تعداد صدا | 237 panel Voices + 24 Drum/SFX kits + 40 Arpeggio + 457 XGlite Voices Featured Voices 8 Sweet! Voices, 3 Cool! Voices, 3 Dynamic Voices |
تعداد افکت | 56 |
منبع تغذیه | آداپتور |
ابعاد | Dimentions | 940+405+140mm |
وزن دستگاه | 6.6 kg |
پایه نت | دارد |