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توضیحات محصول

Yamaha PSR-E353


Lightweightand fully loaded portable arranger keyboard that makes songwriting andimprovisation a blast

61organ-style keys provide you with enough resistance to comfortably play pianoparts and fast enough response for brass and synth instrument sounds

550high-quality voices

136Style varieties provide intelligent backing tracks that follow the notes youplay

150arpeggio patterns allow you to quickly and easily create complex musicalpatterns

Effectsinclude reverb, chorus, master EQ, harmony, and ultra-wide stereo

Duomode lets you split the keyboard into identical halves for student/teacher playor duets

YamahaEducation Suite (Y.E.S.) provides you with 9-step lessons that help you learn awide range of popular songs and standards

Captureyour performances with the onboard 2-track recorder

PortableGrand function instantly shuts down all advanced functions and provides youwith a rich grand piano sound, free from distractions

Powerfulonboard 2-way speaker system with bass enhancement provides rich sound for yourinstruments and backing tracks

Detachablemusic rest included


تعداد کلاویه 61
نوع کلاویه سبک
صفحه نمایش Display Type LCD display
پلی فونی 32
نوع افکت Chorus-Reverb-Master EQ
پورت خروجی USB host usb
تعداد ریتم Number of Preset Styles 158 Fingering Multi Style Control ACMP ON/OFF, SYNC START, START/STOP, INTRO/ENDING/rit., MAIN/AUTO FILL Other Features Music Database 100 One Touch Setting (OTS) Yes External Styles Yes
تعداد صدا Tone Generating Technology AWM Stereo Sampling Preset Number of Voices 196 panel Voices + 18 Drum/SFX kits + 20 Arpeggio + 339 XGlite Voices Compatibility GM Yes XGlite Yes
تعداد افکت 49
پیچ بند دارد
منبع تغذیه Power Supply Users within U.S or Europe: PA-130 or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha Others: PA-3C, PA-130 or an equivalent. Six "AA" size alkaline (LR6), manganese (R6) or Ni-MH rechargeable batteries Power Consumption 8W (When using PA-130 AC adaptor) Auto Power Off Function Yes
ابعاد | Dimentions 368+945+122mm
وزن دستگاه 3.6 کیلوگرم
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